Spreading the fake news media is not uncommon

The media attempts to create narratives that are in line with there own political views. Many times they will try to create narratives that present individuals in a negative light, even if it is not accurate, because it can be used to control the minds of viewers through manipulation. Unfortunately, many people do not realize the extent of manipulation, and how often it occurs.

Ten reasons why you shouldn’t believe the fake news media:

1. They Use Fear to Control You

One of the most common ways that the fake news media tries to control you is through fear. They will often times report on stories that are designed to scare you, and make you think that the world is a dangerous place. This can be done by reporting on natural disasters, terrorist attacks, or crime.

2. They Use Half-Truths

Another common tactic used by the fake news media is to only tell half of the story. They will often leave out important information that would paint a different picture than what they are trying to portray. This can be done by cherry picking data, or by only focusing on one side of an issue.

3. They Use Sensationalism

The fake news media also uses sensationalism to control you. They will often times report on stories that are designed to shock you, and get your attention. This can be done by reporting on celebrity gossip, or by using shocking images and headlines.

4. They Use Manipulative Language

The fake news media also uses manipulative language to control you. They will often times use loaded words, and phrases that are designed to influence your emotions. This can be done by using words like “fear,” “danger,” or “threat.”

5. They Use loaded Questions

Another common tactic used by the fake news media is to ask loaded questions. This is done in order to get you to answer in a way that they want you to. For example, they may ask you if you are afraid of terrorist attacks, which would likely lead you to say yes.

6. They Use Fallacies

The fake news media also uses fallacies to control you. A fallacy is an error in reasoning. The fake news media will often times use fallacies in order to make their argument seem more logical than it actually is. For example, they may use the fallacy of appeal to emotion, which is when they try to make you feel an emotion in order to get you to agree with them.

7. They Use Misinformation

The fake news media also uses misinformation to control you. Misinformation is false or inaccurate information. The fake news media will often times spread misinformation in order to make their argument seem more believable. For example, they may claim that a certain politician is corrupt, even if there is no evidence to support this claim.

8. They Use Propaganda

The fake news media also uses propaganda to control you. Propaganda is information that is used to promote a certain point of view. The fake news media will often times use propaganda in order to make their argument seem more persuasive. For example, they may use statistics that are cherry picked in order to make their point seem more valid.

9. They Use Ad Hominem Attacks

The fake news media also uses ad hominem attacks to control you. An ad hominem attack is when someone attacks the character of their opponent, rather than their argument. The fake news media will often times use ad hominem attacks in order to make their argument seem more credible. For example, they may claim that a certain politician is dishonest, even if there is no evidence to support this claim.

10. They Use Logical Fallacies

The fake news media also uses logical fallacies to control you. A logical fallacy is an error in reasoning. The fake news media will often times use logical fallacies in order to make their argument seem more plausible. For example, they may use the fallacy of appeal to emotion, which is when they try to make you feel an emotion in order to get you to agree with them.

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