Being average is all about not showering just to see what happens

Some people are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them. And then there are those who are just average. These are the people who do things like not showering just to see what happens.

Average people are often content to just go with the flow and not make waves. They’re happy to do things the way they’ve always been done, even if it means being a little bit smelly.

So, if you’re looking to be more average, here are some things you can do:

1. Don’t shower for a week (or longer!)

This is a great way to see how long you can go without showering before people start to notice. Just remember to wear deodorant and maybe keep a spare set of clothes handy in case you start to smell too bad.

2. Eat out of the garbage

Eating out of the garbage is a great way to save money and it’s also a great way to gross out your friends and family. Just make sure you don’t eat anything that’s too rotten or you might make yourself sick.

3. Live in your car

If you don’t have a place to live, why not just live in your car? You can save a lot of money on rent this way and it’s a great way to be more average. Just make sure you don’t live in too nice of a car or people might start to wonder.

4. Hoard everything

Hoarding is a great way to be more average. Just make sure you don’t hoard too much or you might end up on an episode of Hoarders.

5. Be lazy

Being lazy is a great way to be more average. Just make sure you don’t do it to the point where it starts to affect your life in a negative way.

6. Dress badly

Dressing badly is a great way to be more average. Just make sure you don’t dress so badly that people start to think you’re homeless.

7. Never leave your house

If you never leave your house, you’ll be very average. Just make sure you have enough food and supplies to last you a while.

8. Be a hermit

Being a hermit is a great way to be more average. Just make sure you don’t turn into a crazy person who never leaves their house.

9. Watch a lot of TV

Watching a lot of TV is a great way to be more average. Just make sure you don’t watch so much TV that you start to think you’re in one.

10. Play a lot of video games

Playing a lot of video games is a great way to be more average. Just make sure you don’t play so much that you start to think you’re in one.

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